Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Getting ready...

Joe said that I needed to title this post "getting ready for turkey day" "getting ready for t-day."  He is silly.

Thank goodness I get a long weekend.  Our students have been OUT OF CONTROL.  This is a much deserved break.  I got home today and began straightening up because we are having people over tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner.  When Joe got home we ate dinner and then he headed to the store for the things that we forgot to get.....and I had play time with my Godzilla.  Erica had to give him teething tablets today because he was upset and they made him stop crying.  I think he is breaking in some of those big back teeth.  I love that baby and his sweet, slobbery kisses.

Our new favorite show is Duck Dynasty and we watch a lot of it.  This is what Mac looks like when he watches Duck Dynasty....

Joe and I are doing: turkey, stuffing, turkey gravy, dressing (first time I am making this and I am slightly nervous), apple pie, and caramel sauce for the apple pie.  Tonight we cooked the apple pie and I made cornbread for the dressing.  

While the pie is cooking, Joe and I are cuddled up watching "Christmas Vacation".......I LOVE THIS TIME OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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