Monday, November 19, 2012


Bob.  That is how Mac refers to Spongebob.  Bob.  He gets excited when he sees Spongebob and points and goes "Bob."  He is super silly.  We spent some time playing on the sofa today (by far the best part of my day).

We had a fun time playing with the flip side of my Iphone.  He LOVES looking at himself in the screen.  There are a couple of videos of himself that he watches over and over again while making the same noises in person that he does on the video.  Silly.

**I am having technical difficulties getting the videos to load....

I am super in the Christmas mode.  I got some Christmas presents ordered today.  I got our Christmas cards ordered today.  We started working on Mac's Christmas present (tool bench).  It is going to be stinking cute!

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