Saturday, November 10, 2012

Big boy bite

Mac woke up with lots of boogies.  He has a cold that has kind of spread to me so I am not feeling 100% but more like 75%.  After he ate breakfast he spent a LOT of time playing.  He had the most fun playing with his tupperware (what we send his food in to Erica's).

Mac has also discovered that he can reach the light switches now and he had a grand time flipping them.  I couldn't get him on video playing with the light at the end of the hall but I did get him playing with the lights above the sofa. 

Mac's run makes me giggle.  

Mac got into cookies again today....

Mac bit me today.  Yes, he bit me.  Hard.  Broke a blood vessel on my shoulder.  He was put in time out and he did not like that.  He is super pitiful when he cries.  After I let him out of time out, he sat in my lap and hugged me for a while.

That is the bite on my shoulder.  Can't really tell how bad it is though...

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