Monday, May 21, 2012

Mac's 15 month doctor's appointment

Today, we took Mac took his 15 month doctors appointment.  Mac had to get 3 shots and those upset him TREMENDOUSLY!  However, I think I have skills because Joe handed him to me and he stopped crying immediately!

Things we found out at today's appointment
*Mac weighs 28.5 pounds (90th percentile) (no kidding the doctor laughed about him being a big boy when she put him on the scale)
*Mac is 31 inches tall (again 90th percentile)
*Mac is advanced for his age (he is doing things that the doctor says are on the 2-3 year old list)
*Mac is hitting the terrible 2s early (activity level and tantrums)
*Doctor says Mac is doing really good and is really healthy
*Doctor says we need to start doing in the corner time-outs for Mac

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