Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mama's Day!

Today has been an AWESOME day!  I got up.....had my coffee......cuddled with my little man.....and yes I know my (well stolen from Joe) pajama pants are awesome...

While watching the little man play, I got my mama's day card!  The card made me giggle....who knew that Mac was such a great writer and could spell so well?????  He might need to work on writing his letters correctly and not writing them backwards....

After Mac took a nap, Joe and I decided to go to Best Buy to look at washers and dryers and tv mounts....when we walked into Best Buy they gave me a red rose for Mother's Day!  So nice!  

Well, while we were out running errands Mac peed through his when we got home he was put immediately in the bathtub.  His hair gets CRAZY curly after his bath!

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