Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Big Boy Belly

I am doing this blog post from my classroom while my kiddos are taking their final.  Their final consisted of doing a written test and then taking "notes" over a movie.....Cool Runnings!  Yes, I am an awesome teacher.

I giggled at this conversation between my students:
Student 1: You have a baby?
Student 2: Man, how'd you not know that?  She was pregnant for the whole year last year.  She was mean.
Student 3:  She's no different this year.  Last year, she said "Wake up. Do your work.  Turn your work in."  She says the same stuff this year.

So yesterday we met with our mortgage broker to fill out some more information and Mac went with us.  He was really good while we were waiting in the waiting area.....but once we got in the office with the broker he was not having any of it....so we ended up putting him in the truck so he could sleep.

Finally we got home and Joe told our landlord Mike that we had bought a house.  We fed Mac and then he was in a great mood.  It cracks me up his giant belly so I like to let him just walk around in his diaper....he still likes to pat his belly....cept now he likes to pat his belly with a spatula. 

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