Thursday, May 24, 2012

Growth spurt vs. Teething

Mac has been a little fussy today.  He is also DROOLING a ridiculous amount.  So my very scientific self has concluded that Mac is either teething, having a growth spurt, and/or a combination of both!  He has a little bit of a fever (100-101).  And again, my scientific self has deduced that this is because of the shots he got on Monday, or growth spurt, or cold, or teething, and/or a mix of all!  However, he still plays pretty well!  He had a grand time chasing Bella, feeding Bella cheez-its, eating cheez-its himself, and running around with spatulas.....



Since Joe is heading towards Georgia right now as we speak, it is just the bear, the Bella, and me!  Mac decided to "cook" me dinner....

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