Saturday, May 12, 2012

Giggles & Tantrums

This morning I got up a little before my boys....I have no idea why.  I desperately need more sleep.  But I sat for a while in my chair with a cup of coffee cuddling with Bella.  Both dogs were groomed on Friday and Mac is not quite sure that he knows who they are now that they have no hair (seriously no hair, Bella is pink).

We had a great breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon.  Mac ate his eggs in his chair but then he got down to run around while we finished cooking.  When he realized that we had bacon on our plates he would do a lap and then come by for a piece of bacon.  Silly boy.  He was sitting in Joe's lap when he realized that he wanted to drink out of the "big boy cup."  He had a GREAT time doing that.  He sang in the cup.....he got water all over himself and the floor.....

After breakfast, we ran over to Walmart to buy birthday gifts for some of Mac's friends.  We went over to our friend Anna's house for her son Liam's 1st birthday party!  Mac has been super cranky today but he calmed down after a while (he didnt want to be put down for a while).  He has discovered a love of chocolate chip cookies and saltine crackers.  He also thoroughly enjoyed playing with the bubbles.  He was super tired towards the end (partly from the playing and partly from the lack of nap).  His fake Aunt Sarah took this picture....

So we came home (mostly I was not feeling very good for picking him up so much but dang it I love holding him!).....and Mac pretty much immediately went to bed.  Love that baby.

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