Friday, August 2, 2013

HOUSE: Mailbox and more bathroom "art"

Mama sent up a care package and in it was AWESOME UGA stuff!  One of which was a mailbox cover.  I am pretty sure that it is supposed to go on a mailbox smaller than ours....but I don't care.  I slapped that thing up immediately.  Joe is not as fond of it as I am......

We got some more white frames so I could put some pictures in for Mac's bathroom.  I found pictures of Joe and me when we were little.  Turned them black and white.  Found one of Mac.  Turned it black and white as well.  Labeled them appropriately.  Printed.  Awesome.

We need to get more monkey hooks so we can actually hang them.  I am going to put them above the hand towel rack in Mac's bathroom.

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