Monday, August 26, 2013


Yeah so going back to work has seriously put me behind in the blogging world.  Whoops.

Quick Updates:
1.  Work is going......a little better.  Still have no idea what I am doing.
2.  Mac is kind of peeing in the potty at daycare.  Erica lines all the babies up and they have bathroom time.
3.  Heyward is doing really well with puppy class.
4. It stopped raining and we (and by "we" I mean Joe) were able to cut the grass.
5.  Joe got the trim painted on the back of the house.
6. We are going over to our friend Liz and Rocky's house for a football day on September 14th and I am pretty excited!

And here is the last week in pictures.....

This is a post it that a student gave me last year that I stuck next to my desk.  I sent this picture to my friend Karen and she showed the student.  I miss that kid.

Snuggle time today.  I LOVE snuggle time with Mac.  Every time Joe would try to get a picture, Mac would stick his foot up in the air.  He is silly.

Joe just had a lap full of toddler and giant puppy.

Here is snuggle time Sunday morning.....I do love me some Mac snuggles.

Here is the present Mac left in my side of the bed for me....

Check out Mac's crazy hair.  I love it.  I do kind of feel bad for him for when he gets older because it is going to be crazy.  Crazy.

After Mac ran around outside naked for a bit yesterday, it was bath time.  He tried to scrub himself.  It was really cute.

On Saturday, we couldn't figure out what we wanted for dinner so we headed to the grocery store.  Mac had a great time.  He really likes the little car thing on the front of the shopping cart.

Last picture....Erica posted this picture of Mac and his friends today.  They are all pants off dance off.  It makes me very happy seeing how loved Mac is at Erica's and how much fun he has with his friends.

So I have started my Christmas shopping list (this probably does not surprise you) so if you have any ideas....go ahead and send them my way!

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