Thursday, August 1, 2013

FAMILY: Are toddlers bipolar?

I think toddlers might be bipolar.  One minute they are happy, the next minute they are the complete opposite.  Today was an extremely rough day.  Tears were involved (on my behalf)....well and Mac's.  Mac had 4 (yup that's right) meltdowns this morning before he had even been awake for an hour.  Longest day ever.

The first tantrum?  He wanted Cheerios.  I gave him Cheerios.  He got mad because he couldn't eat it with a spoon and get it in his mouth so he wanted waffles.  The meltdown happened when I dared to toast the waffles.  What was I thinking?

Thirty minutes later....I was getting smiles from Godzilla and he wanted me to take his picture.....

I even got some snuggles in....

During bath time, Joe was fake sneezing which Mac thought was hilarious.  Mac had an earlier bath time than usual because of a numero dos he did that even scared him because it was so loud.  No joke. Ok.  I tried loading videos of him laughing.  Didn't work. I will email them!

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