Monday, August 12, 2013

FAMILY: Sharks.

Shark.  A hard plastic toy that Mac loves.  He particularly loves to shove it in the Chum Bucket toy that his Aunt Amy gave him to wake up Mater.  (yeah that makes no sense).  Today, Mac discovered what else the shark can do.  His friend Oliver came over to play....and whacked him across the face with the shark.  Mac had a bloody nose and everything.  He cried for roughly 1 minute.  I felt so bad for Oliver's mom because she was mortified.  I figure these things happen and all was good.  After they had a snack, we headed to the playground.  Oliver showed Mac the best puddles to jump in (the crazy sun came out for the first time in forever).  Mac had a great time!

Then Mac's crazy self decided to just lay in the playground floor.....

When I put Mac down for his nap, Bella decided it was her nap time too.  She is sweet and silly.....

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