Saturday, August 31, 2013

FAMILY: It's Game Day!

I am watching the Ga Tech game (kind of) as I do this post.  Our friend Amy kept Mac again yesterday and she texted me this picture.......

Mac is such a flirt.

I had to bring home a lot of work to grade.  It was going to take me a WHILE.  Joe offered to help sweet of him.  You should have heard his comments while he was grading though......

While we were grading, Mac was running around like a crazy man.  Playing with his cars. Shoving stuff under the sofa.  Good times.

Joe got Mac dressed for bed and this is what Mac came downstairs wearing....

I have no words.  Know, that he will be wearing UGA gear for my game this afternoon!!!!!

In t-minus 1 hour, I am going to Zumba for the first time in like 3 months.  It is going to kick my butt.  After Zumba, I am going to get a pedi-mani and I am STOKED!

GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

FAMILY: Kong is not enough

There is a dog toy company called "Kong" that is supposed to make heavy duty dog toys.  We bought Heyward new toys today because he ate his other toys.  One of the Kong toys lasted roughly 10 minutes and the other one made it about an hour.  

Here is a picture of Mac and Joe when we were leaving PetSmart....

We hit up Subway on our way home (we were in a hurry to get back to football).....

Erica's friend Amy kept Mac today and she is keeping him tomorrow because Erica is in Seattle.  Mac loves Amy.  She texted me a couple of pictures today (which made me happy!)....

One thing I am happy about is that football season is back!  On Saturday I have plans to do Zumba and then get a mani/pedi but I have to do that before UGA kicks off.  I LOVE football season!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

FAMILY: Puppies puppies puppies

Heyward thinks that he is a lap dog.

He even thinks that he is Bella's size...

He particularly loves when Joe rubs his belly.....

Mac wanted Heyward to chase him....(dang blogger....can't get the video to load).

Monday, August 26, 2013


Yeah so going back to work has seriously put me behind in the blogging world.  Whoops.

Quick Updates:
1.  Work is going......a little better.  Still have no idea what I am doing.
2.  Mac is kind of peeing in the potty at daycare.  Erica lines all the babies up and they have bathroom time.
3.  Heyward is doing really well with puppy class.
4. It stopped raining and we (and by "we" I mean Joe) were able to cut the grass.
5.  Joe got the trim painted on the back of the house.
6. We are going over to our friend Liz and Rocky's house for a football day on September 14th and I am pretty excited!

And here is the last week in pictures.....

This is a post it that a student gave me last year that I stuck next to my desk.  I sent this picture to my friend Karen and she showed the student.  I miss that kid.

Snuggle time today.  I LOVE snuggle time with Mac.  Every time Joe would try to get a picture, Mac would stick his foot up in the air.  He is silly.

Joe just had a lap full of toddler and giant puppy.

Here is snuggle time Sunday morning.....I do love me some Mac snuggles.

Here is the present Mac left in my side of the bed for me....

Check out Mac's crazy hair.  I love it.  I do kind of feel bad for him for when he gets older because it is going to be crazy.  Crazy.

After Mac ran around outside naked for a bit yesterday, it was bath time.  He tried to scrub himself.  It was really cute.

On Saturday, we couldn't figure out what we wanted for dinner so we headed to the grocery store.  Mac had a great time.  He really likes the little car thing on the front of the shopping cart.

Last picture....Erica posted this picture of Mac and his friends today.  They are all pants off dance off.  It makes me very happy seeing how loved Mac is at Erica's and how much fun he has with his friends.

So I have started my Christmas shopping list (this probably does not surprise you) so if you have any ideas....go ahead and send them my way!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

COMBO: Just a little behind.

Yeah.  I have gone back to work.  I am sure you can tell based on the lack of numerous posting.  I have a lot to get ready for work.  The kids come tomorrow.  EEEK!

Yesterday, Mac directed Joe where/what to take pictures of.....bossy bossy bossy.

"Take picture pillow"

"Take picture ossopuss"

"Take picture ossopuss"

"Take picture sponspon papant" (Spongebob Squarepants)

"Take picture Heyward"

"Take picture banket"

"Take picture Bella"

"Take picture cup"

After he had Joe take pictures of everything, we got some serious snuggle time going.....

Want to see something funny?  This was a Facebook post by the news channel up here.....

That's right.  The North Slope got SNOW.  Snow.  In August.  Crazy!

Here is my classroom as I left it....tomorrow I start back with kids.  Super nervous.  I have no idea what I am doing.

It is STILL raining so there was some snuggle action going on earlier.....

AND I saved the best for last......When Joe went to pick up Mac today from Erica's, Mac had on big boy underwear.  After his nap, Mac's diaper was dry so Erica put in on the toilet.  He did nada.  A little bit later, he was doing the peepee dance so Erica put him on the toilet again.  SUCCESS!!!!!  Mac peed in the toilet!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

WORK: On a Sunday?

Yup, I went in to work today.  I had to.  I am pretty sure that I am no where ready to have the students come back on Wednesday (mostly because I am teaching something completely new).  I do have that first half week of school planned.  Nothing is copied or laminated but I will hopefully deal with that on Tuesday!  Monday I have an all-day English training to go to with every Secondary English teacher in the school district.  Yuck.

I hauled Godzilla with me to my classroom (which I can get to on the weekends because it is not in the building).  I came loaded with diapers, snacks, my ipad, and his Mater/King/Lightning to play with.  However, he spent about 30 minutes playing with my extra chairs. I am pretty sure that I left them turned over when we left.  I will fix it on Tuesday.  My room is still a work in progress.  I have a lot of things that need to get laminated before I can put it up.....but it looks (and smells) five million times better than it did!

Mac did have a great time playing in my room.  He loves to sit in the desks....and move them around. 

This room is in no way near being completed....but I have a start!