Sunday, July 7, 2013

Potty training?

My mama has magical powers.  She can get toddlers (well, Mac) to do things.  The big question this week???? Can she potty train Godzilla?????  We are in the process of trying....have no idea how well this is going to work out for us......

Yesterday, after we dropped Daddy off at the airport, Mama and I headed to Barnes and Noble with Godzilla.  I got some books.  He discovered the train station that they had set up.  You want to talk about giant tantrum?  Take Mac away from a train station.  Instant tantrum.

This morning (during potty training time) Mac had all of his toys out.  Well, not all of them because he has a lot of toys.  He had some of his trucks and his dinosaurs out.  MESS.

Joe had a softball tournament this weekend.  He was gone pretty much all day yesterday and all day today.  The good news?  They won the tournament and Joe got named a team All-Star!

When he got home, we decided to make use of the sunshine (with a mindful eye on the seriously dark clouds looming on the horizon) and get to painting the front of the house.  We switched to the front because Joe is borrowing a short ladder that he has to give back on Friday and we need that ladder for the second floor section of the front of the house.  I don't think we are ever going to finish painting.  We are going to be painting for the rest of our lives.  I did help Joe though.  I do the bottom part as far as I can reach (I still refuse to get on a ladder).

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