Sunday, July 28, 2013

HOUSE: Around the House

I brought back a lot of little pieces of driftwood from Homer.  I love how sticks look (I am pretty sure that I said that exact phrase when I was planning our wedding....).  I scattered them around the house in old wedding reception vases.  I only took a picture though of the fireplace (there is some on the dinner table and the half bath).

Switching gears to the outside....lately, we have had a lot of door-to-door people and it was driving me nuts!  What did I do? Turn to Pinterest.  It gave me the idea to make a sign.  I didn't want one that would be rude.....I am not super super happy with how it turned out.  I think I just need to change the stark white to a softer, more off white white.  Thoughts?  Joe likes it being stark white but I think it clashes.....

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