Sunday, July 21, 2013


This was my first year dipnetting.  Joe went last year and had a great time.  We (Myself, Joe, Caryn, Nick, and Kris) left the babies with Nick and Kris's mom.  We headed down to Kenai Wednesday night.  When we got down there, we dropped our stuff off at a friend's mom's house and changed into our waders.  Then we headed to the beach!

Driving on the beach was crazy!  The sand was super thick and Joe definitely had to put it in 4 wheel drive.  We only had 2 nets at the time (and Wednesday night it was just Caryn, Joe, and me at first) so I stood next to Caryn to help with whatever (she's pregnant).  Later, Kris and Nick showed up.  We only caught 2 fishies Wednesday night.  The waves were crazy rough!

After fishing Wednesday night, we drove off the beach and as soon as we hit the asphalt we realized that Joe's truck was making a really really bad noise.  We (and by we I mean the boys) took the tire off to discover pebbles.  At first we couldn't get them out.  Kris had to McGuiver some hard plastic to go behind the roter thingy to help get the pebbles out.  After about 45 minutes, we finally got all of the pebbles out.  I was really worried that we were going to have to call a tow.

We got about 4 hours of sleep and then headed back to the beach (armed with coffee).  We found a better place to park and then set up for fishing.  Joe was on FIRE and just kept pulling one out after another.  Kris and Nick had to leave around 11 and by the time they had to leave we had caught a total of 23 fish.  That is not a whole lot.  Our quota for all of us total is 115 fishies (45 for this Cash family, 45 for the Homerding family, and 25 for Kris).  I think Nick and Joe are going to head back at some point to fish some more.  The season goes through July 31st.

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