Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Playground, Steak, Walking

Coming up with post names is not a very easy thing.  I see all of these other posts that have adorable post names.  Not me.  Whatever.

Yesterday, Mary and I took Mac to the new playground at the elementary school!  It is AWESOME.  They took the gravel out which is even more awesome.

Mike and Mary went to pick up Joe from work.

This was Mac's face when Mary told him that it was time for a nap.

For dinner we headed to Sullivan's for steaks.  Even Mac had a little bit of steak (mostly bread)!

While Mike put Mac to bed, we (Joe, Mary, and myself) took the dogs for a walk.  We also stalked the houses for sale.  For some reason I like looking at the houses in our neighborhood!  I found out yesterday that the houses in our area are going to increase 4% in value in the next year and that the average house sells for A LOT in the area we live in!  Heyward and Bella were WORN out after the walk....

Mike successfully got Mac to sleep.....

And here are some pictures from last week/over the weekend that I forgot.....

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