Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Paint Paint Paint Paint

That is my current theme.  Paint.  Paint.  Paint.  Paint.  We do a lot of painting.  We got a lot of things done today though!  Joe finished the top part of the front of the house (minus the trim).  Besides the trim, the only thing the front needs is the zebra'ing and the garage door.  I kilz'ed and primed the side of the house.  I put wood filler in the screw holes from where I took the screen door down.

Earlier today, we drove out to Wasilla to go to my favorite antique store.  I got some friend's of mine a house warming present.  I got Joe an anniversary present.  AND I bought myself an anniversary present!  It is an old window that a guy put vintage matchbooks in from the Alaska-ish area.  It is really really cool!  It is going to be hung up horizontally in the downstairs half bath above the toilet.  I need to find two plates to put up with it though!

While we were out painting, Mama and Mac were inside watching movies and playing with trains.  He is a Godzilla.

And lastly.....when I was going through my iPad pictures I discovered that Mac had been saving his artwork on it.  Silly boy!

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