Friday, May 9, 2014

My little man

As I am typing this, Mac is sitting across from me eating breakfast and singing "if you're happy and you know it."  He just makes me smile.  As I look around my house, it is a disaster.  As in super cluttered and dirty and so incredibly overwhelming to think of actually cleaning it.

I am going to backtrack with this blog post a little bit.  The other day I cleaned Mac's room out.  Who knew that a 3 year old could stock pile just so much random crap.  Seriously.  I have no idea what half of that stuff went to.  I don't think I am going to buy him toys with teeny tiny pieces again.  We also washed his sheets but unfortunately the blood did not come out from the nosebleed that he had.  Oh well.  When Mac went to bed that night, he wanted all of his animals in his bed so I made a leaning tower of animals next to him.....

Later on that night we were looking at him in the video monitor and he looked to be in the most uncomfortable position so Joe went in to move him.....

And yes, my little man sweats all the time when he sleeps.  It could be 50 degrees in his room and he is going to wake up sweaty.  Gross.

Bella has been going in her kennel at night because she likes to let us know that she is not happy with us by piddling in the house.  I am not down with that so in the kennel she goes.  However, most nights she plays hide and seek with Joe.  We usually find her under our bed and we have to drag her out (and by "we" I really mean Joe).

Yesterday Mac went to preschool.  At 3:30 Joe walked in the door.  My first saying to him "where is my son?"  Yup.  That's right.  Joe forgot Mac.  So I went with him to go pick up Godzilla.  On the way there I got a text from his Miss Amy.  It was a picture that said that he refused to nap but he did poop in the potty!  And boy was it obvious later that he did not nap.  CRANKY CRANKY CRANKY.

However, so far this morning he is in a really good mood.  Yesterday evening was his last soccer practice until the summer session.  I did not go because I did not feel super awesome (spent the time soaking in the bathtub).  Mac brought back a paper from his coach that said how he did.....

-Mac is doing great!  He tries his best to keep the ball under control and close to his feet while dribbling,.  He also has a great big kick!
-Mac is super quick and has great speed for his age.  He seems to be very agile and very athletic.
-Mac has a great attitude and seems to love playing soccer.  He is attentive most of the time as long as we can keep those three focused.  LOL!
-Overall, Mac is doing just fine for his age.  It is super important that he associates playing soccer with having fun!

Joe took pictures at soccer practice but you might have to wait to get those from him........

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