Sunday, January 12, 2014


Today was a proactive day.  We got a lot done.  We went to the grocery store, we went to Target to get a baby gift, we got shelving stuff for the office, worked on potty training, booked Mac's birthday party location, did laundry......I graded essays, created a quiz, finished creating a powerpoint for notes......busy busy busy.  Despite doing all of that, we still made time to make a delicious homemade dinner (fried chicken, roasted rosemary potatoes, and salad).  The dinner was AMAZING.

Talking about potty training. I HATE it.  It makes me feel like a failure of a parent.  My child has NO INTEREST.  He will pee if you stick him on the toilet but he will not tell you when he actually needs to go to the bathroom.  He peed large amounts in the toilet today so this afternoon we put him in big boy underwear.

He was watching some tv so Joe and I decided to get some work done.  We checked on him and he had completely peed through his underwear and was just sitting there in a puddle of pee on the sofa.  Didn't care that he was wet.  As in didn't care AT ALL.  Potty training stresses me out. At one point, Heyward was laying right near him on the sofa.....have no idea how he didn't get peed on.

Speaking of Heyward, he was guarding our house today.  He kept wanting to go outside where he would stand on one of Mac's toys and just look over the porch.  It was pretty cold today and snowing pretty steady but he seemed to like it outside.  He is weird.

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