Sunday, January 5, 2014


I cannot believe that I am 29!  It honestly doesn't feel different than any other birthday (well, except for maybe 21....that one was fun!).  How did I spend my birthday?

-Went to the grocery store
-Went to Sams' Club
-Went to Best Buy and got Joe's birthday present (FitBit Force)
-Went to Lowes
-Lazy tv time
-Created some mini syllabi for work to copy for tomorrow
-Cooked dinner

Joe was going to make me dinner but I told him that I could do it and he could keep painting.  We decided to not do the Notre Dame grey that we originally thought and switched to a more khaki color grey.  Joe is literally painting as I type.....

Back to dinner, I made rib eye beef stroganoff and it was DELISH.  Heyward decided to camp out at my feet.....

Joe made me my all time favorite cake earlier today and put it in the fridge to keep it cold.  Strawberry good.

And for some weird reason.....Joe decided to hold Mac like this....and Mac is so tall that his head is hitting the ceiling in our dining room area.

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