Sunday, February 17, 2013


So there are A LOT of pictures from Mac's Spongebob party.  The party is deemed a success!  There were so many people in our house and it was crazy (which I loved).  As there are a GAZILLION pictures from the party I am just going to copy in the link for the folder on Shutterfly....hopefully it works (copy and paste the URL).

The toddlers decided that an awesome game was to throw balls over our railing.  It got pretty intense for a while but they were super enjoying themselves.

The babies also wanted in the crib to play.  They are silly.

Mac got so many presents.  It was a good thing he had a lot of help....

Next thing is the cake.....this was an interesting experience.

He really wanted NOTHING to do with it.  So what does my awesome husband do?  SHOVES HIS FACE IN IT.  What does that equal?  Meltdown.  Level 5.

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