Sunday, October 21, 2012


Mac and I had a great weekend with the family. Even though we were home for Grandma's funeral I felt like it was a family reunion and the funeral was absolutely beautiful. I know Grandma is in a better place now.

Anyways, Mac had so much fun this weekend. We got lots of pictures share!  Here's the first one:

Its of me and Mac at the Salt Lake City airport. We got McDonald's and Mac had sausage and eggs. He used his big boy fork and actually poked the food himself... A couple of times.

Mac's first night was fun with MoeMoe and Papa Mike! He played with dad on the floor for a while!

The next day we wend to Grandma's funeral. It was really sad but everyone had a good time seeing Mac. He rode around on Uncle Steven's shoulders for a while!

Mac took his nap on the way! One of the few that he took on the trip...

After the funeral we had our first of many trips to Uncle Julio's. It was sooo good! Mac had quite the time playing with MoeMoe's/Dad's glasses. That baby!

Saturday was football day! We took Mac down next to the field before the game and he was yelling at the Boston College cheerleaders. He's got quite a thing with the ladies!

If you haven't seen the video of Mac cheering, take a look at the post from a day or two ago. It is hilarious!

And finally, naked Mac photo!

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