Friday, October 26, 2012

Ideas for Mac

We have been asked a lot lately "what should we get Mac for Christmas?"  For a while, I honestly had no idea.  Now I am ready to throw out some ideas!

We are going to make Mac this for Christmas....

So maybe some tools to go with it?

I am also thinking we might make this....or something like it (it is a manipulation board....)
Here is my list......
  • Trucks (Joe wanted me to bold this)
  • Anything construction related (aka trucks and we are doing a construction themed bday)
  • Clothes
  • Socks (he always pulls them off and we lose a TON of them)
  • Pj's 
  • Contribution for his savings account
  • An Experience (H2Oasis, Bouncing Bears, you know...doing something!)
  • books
  • bath towels complete with hoods (he is getting grande)
  • wooden spoons (he loves ours, I was thinking of painting some cute for his stocking)
  • child size broom (he is currently carrying ours around the house)

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