Wednesday, April 1, 2015

So Tired

Seriously.  That post title.  Truth.  I slept for roughly 2 hours last night.  I looked so bad at work today that one of my students went home and told his mom that he was worried about me because I looked tired and he didn't think I was sleeping.  I know that he did that because his mom emailed me to let me know that I was in her thoughts and prayers.  Some of my students are sweet.

Thank goodness Joe is coming back tonight.  Well technically early tomorrow.  He had some flight difficulties getting out of Oakland.  I don't think he is going to get into Anchorage until really really really late.

Mommy, you better check me out.  

This what a baby who is fighting sleep looks like.  

She lost that battle.

"I'm the man of the house now. I protect mommy and Nora from the bad guys."

Chunky chunky baby this morning.  All sleepy and snuggly and rolly poly. 

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