Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Funday

Today was a jam packed day!  For some weird reason (probably has to do with the fact that I am pregnant!), I haven't been sleeping very well.  I woke up super early yesterday and I was like since I woke up early today my body will let me sleep tomorrow.  That a lie.  I woke up at like 5:20 this morning.  AARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH.  I got some snuggle time in with Heyward though.

Once everyone else woke up, we got dressed and headed to Gwennie's.  Mac talked nonstop about waffles.  Guess what he had for breakfast?!?

After breakfast, we headed to Target.  We had a fabulous time!  Well, we always have a fabulous time....Cept this time Mac pooped and smelled up the store.  So Joe changed his diaper.  They came back and then continued to have a great time.  Then Mac pooped again.  We decided at that point that it was probably time to leave.  Joe was able to get Target to price match their online price for the new baby monitor which is awesome!  We headed home to change poopy mcpoopy pants' diaper and then we went right back to Target.  We also got some ADORABLE baby clothes!  Baby Nora is going to be one styling baby!

 After Target, we headed to Lowes (or Wowes as Mac calls it).  We were plotting out to restage Nora's closet so I would be able to hang up more clothes.  We bought a big rod thing and rehung the middle shelves to do two long rods for clothes.  Once Mac went down for his nap, Mary helped Joe put it all together.

While Mac was napping, Joe and Mary headed to the grocery store.  They were gone a crazy long while!  I heard Mac get up so I went upstairs and snuggled him for a little bit.  Joe got a picture of it through the security camera!!!!!

 I can't believe that the weekend is over already!  I do not at all want to go to work tomorrow.

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