Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mac's birthday

It's so weird knowing that Mac is a whole year older.  I have a 3 year old.  That baffles me.

Expect this blog to jump around in topics (welcome to my brain).  It started snowing last night and originally we were supposed to get 1-3 inches.  They lied.  We woke up this morning to snow high enough to touch the bottom of my car!  When I got to my classroom, it had definitely not been shoveled.  Fun.

When Mac and Joe got home, we decided to go to Babies R Us to find a crib and to let Mac use his gift card.  He picked out a dinosaur set.  Surprise surprise.  My man loves his dinosaurs!

When we got home, Mac immediately wanted to play with his dinosaurs.  He likes lining his dinosaurs up!

And lastly, a belly picture for giggles.  Next week, we are doing random spirit week for teachers (aka the teachers have different themes each day and we dress up).  Monday is workout day and I think Tuesday is college day.  This led me to a problem.  What in the world do I wear for college day?  I found a tshirt that was super long that I squeezed myself into.  My big ole belly is showcased.....

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