Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weekend in Homer

We (Joe, Mac, Morgan, and me) went down to Homer for the was on Morgan's Alaska Bucket List.  We got down to Homer at about 9:00 that night.  We had a spot right on the beach on the Homer Spit.  IT WAS GORGEOUS!

The following pictures are from around our campsite!  Joe and Morgan went Halibut fishing on a charter Saturday for a while (blog post to follow) so I had Mr. Mac all to myself for a while!  We hung out...ate a muffin....went for a walk through the cuteness of Homer Spit....came back....played in the rocks and dirt....ate a stick.....took a "nap....While Mac was taking the "nap" I sat out on the beach leaned up against a driftwood reading a book which was amazingly relaxing.   

 View from my Mac "nap" spot...

 This is the cutest picture of Mac EVER.

When Joe and Morgan got back from Halibut fishing, Joe was really dirty......Mac didn't care!

When they got back, they were also starving.  So we headed to "Starvin Marvin's" which is this AWESOME pizza place!  Mac had a great time eating cheesy bread and sausage off of our pizza.  He is like a little garbage disposal.  The view from the restaurant is also really really gorgeous!


After leaving "Starvin Marvin's", we headed to the Homer Brewing Company to taste the brews and to pick up a couple of growlers.  Then we found this really pretty random place to play on our way back to the camper....There were sea otters and eagles everywhere (unfortunately I was too busy staring to take pictures)!  We decided to walk off all of the food that we had eaten by strolling around the stores on the Spit....LOVE LOVE LOVE Homer!

It got really windy Saturday afternoon/eveningish....SUPER WINDY.  However, after Mac went to sleep the 3 of us sat outside drinking a beer, looking at the beautiful scenery, and playing each other stupid games on our phones (yes we are losers and we are ok with that).  After we went to bed though a HUGE storm hit.  It woke us up because it was literally rocking the camper back and forth!  The wind was really insane and then it started raining pretty hard!  All in all....very entertaining!

This weekend = SUCCESS!!!!!!!!

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