Monday, June 18, 2012

The big yellow one is the sun!

It was SO GORGEOUS outside!  It is supposed to be super nice all this week (no lie temperatures in the 70s)!  Last night, we got our first Alaskan thunderstorm and it was super exciting to us (it's the small things in life...)!

This morning I completed another Pinterest project.  This one involved downsizing the space that our massive dvd collection took up.

Morgan, Mac and I went to Babies R Us and got Mac a new stroller!  He got a Chicco umbrella stroller.  We were looking for one that was tall enough for Joe and me to push around!  He really likes his new stroller!

Since it was completely gorgeous outside today, we went for a walk at Westchester Lagoon this afternoon.  Mac was able to see Cook Inlet, some ducks, some other bird, and mud.  That walk reminds me of why we love it up here so much!

Joe had batting practice (complete with bbq) and then a game.  We went for the bbq but Mac was starting to get super sleepy so Morgan and I left with him before they started batting practice.  Morgan got a couple of pictures of Mac running around in the huge softball field.  He had a great time!

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