Sunday, June 3, 2012

Portage Valley camping

Mom's first full day back up here was PACKED!  We went to Snow City Cafe for breakfast....

....and then we went to the Saturday market!  I got an orange and tan handmade bowl from Afghanistan and a wind chime.  Mama also got a pretty awesome wind chime!  Since the weather was absolutely GORGEOUS, we decided to go camping!  Our friends Lee and Sarah came too.  We decided to go down to Williwaw campground in Portage Valley.  It was PACKED!  There was still snow!  We had a great time.  Mama got cold.
The big boy playpen....

 Going for a walk.

Maybe the picture for Joe Brew?

The campsite!

Got to start them early with golf....

Going for a walk....

Camping in Portage Valley

 Mac in his big boy chair!

 Yes.  That is snow.

 Mac likes when Lee throws him around.

 This is what 11:30 at night looks like in Alaska right now.

On the drive home, Mac passed out!  His little head was bobbing around and he is so stinking cute...

Mac's Goodmama gave him a powdered donut....he got the powder all over his face and I tried to get a picture of it but that did not work out for me!  Look at all of those teeth!

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