Sunday, June 17, 2012

Denali National Park

We (Joe, Mac, Morgan, Bella, and me) left on Friday to head to Denali National Park to go camping for the weekend!  The scenery on the way up there is just stunning!  We did run into crazy dark weather...

Joe decided to throw Mac way up in the air because Mac thinks it is great fun!

We got to the Riley Campground kind of late but we found a spot for the RV and got everything set up.  Mac was WIRED.  He did not go to sleep until after 12:30.  We woke up the next day for a day of sightseeing, tshirt buying, hiking fun!

On the way out of the Denali Park Road, we pulled over to play on the arctic tundra.  It is super bouncy and Morgan had no idea what she was walking on!

My sweet little man in the Visitor center!  He had a great time running around (he no longer simply just walks).

The mosquitos were really bad so I had to spray my boys.  Mac had bug bites on his face that looked like devil horns....and after I sprayed him we messed up his hair!

We sat around for a while, ate lunch and drank a beer before we decided to do a hike!  We chose to do the Horseshoe Lake trail....

Saturday night was AWFUL.  Mac REFUSED to go to sleep (as in he literally screamed to the point he was having trouble breathing) and then he got really hyper (as in running laps in his crib).  I had Joe go ahead and go to sleep since he had to drive the next day so I just sat next to Mac's crib.  After a couple of hours, he eventually went to sleep.  I did not.  I did not go to sleep until the next morning as we were driving back, I stayed in the RV while Joe was driving to try to get at least an hour of sleep in.  On the way back to Anchorage, we stopped at this amazing lodge (Princess's McKinley Lodge) and had breakfast and looked at the views.  We were actually able to see Denali!


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