Monday, June 11, 2012

Kiss-y, Kiss-y

Mac pulled out all the pots/pans again today.  They are all over the living room and the kitchen. My house is a HOT MESS (and that is an understatement).

Today, Mac played for a while with the moving boxes!  SOOO funny!

I am not going to lie but I found the outfit that he was wearing to be super adorable!  STYLING AND PROFILING!

Our friend Caryn came over today to bring Cayla for a playdate for Mac.  Mac was super cranky for a while and he even tried to hit Cayla at one point (which is NOT ok and he went into timeout in his bed).  Once he calmed himself down, he was allowed out of timeout and was in a great mood afterwards.  This is when the CUTEST THING EVER HAPPENED!  Mac and Cayla kissed!  As in Mac walked over to her and she stood up and he leaned down and planted one on her lips!  SOOOO STINKING CUTE!  Then they ran around and played.  Then, Mac kissed her again!  They are too sweet!

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