Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

It has been raining soooo freaking much lately!  Apparently, because of all of the snow that we had and  how late everything was melting, the rivers/creeks are higher than normal which means that this round of rain is not helping things!  So far no flood warnings or anything like that has been issued.  Hopefully things clear up because we are supposed to be going camping this weekend with Morgan (who gets here tomorrow) in Denali.  Fingers crossed.

Mac woke up in a crazy good mood this morning!  He ran around and played!  I tried to get him to slow down for a little bit so I put Sesame Street on (he loves Elmo) but he only watched it for like 3 minutes....

He started acting sleepy so I decided to put him in his crib but I am not really sure if he actually took a nap.  I gave him a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch and oh my goodness he literally ate the whole thing.  CHUNKY.

I gave him some magazines to play with while I was trying to clean the kitchen....Mac's idea of "playing" with magazines is ripping them apart.....

Joe came home and decided to wrestle around with the little man.  This was after we had gone to Target and Fred Meyer...which is where Mac through his first public tantrum.  He was in the grocery cart that faces forward and is like a racecar and he did not want to get out of it.  Seriously got mad and threw tantrum.

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