Saturday, June 30, 2012

The big yellow one is the sun...

IT IS A GORGEOUS day!  The sun was shining all day!  We picked Mary up from the airport!  The owner of Sadler's called me apologizing for the problem with the furniture.  He said that it the company's error and that it would be fixed immediately.  So....I got my server and my table and my barstools and my bench!  As in all of those items are at the house!

Another bout of awesomeness.....Joe heard from one of the painter's and he gave us an estimate of 2450.  AND THEN....we heard from the other painter and he gave us a different way better estimate of 1700.  AWESOME!  1700 for main living space, master bedroom, guest bedroom, some of the doors, and the trim!  They are even going to start tomorrow!  Can you see how excited I am???????????

Mac has spent a lot of time playing with cell phones.  He took this picture with Joe's cell phone...

Mac also opened a box that Mary had mailed up.  It had the quilt in it that Mary had made out of Joe's old baseball tshirts.  It is the cutest thing that I have ever seen.  It also had a police car, a ball, and a box of musical instruments.....

Friday, June 29, 2012


Today, I was FURIOUS.  Yesterday, Joe and I bought a new dining room set.  Today, Sadler's called me and said that they could not sell the server to me for what they did.  I WAS IRATE.  That is an understatement.  So I let the sales manager who made the decision have it.  It was OURS.  We bought it last night.  It went through on Joe's account LAST NIGHT.  It was not my problem that they messed up.  FURIOUS.  So I let them have it.  I REFUSED to pay additional for something they had priced wrong and demanded a refund.  I will be calling every single person involved with this company to express my complete dis-satisfaction.  I will never buy furniture from that company ever again.  FURIOUS.

On a happier note, we picked Mike up from the airport today!  Mac had a great time playing on the escalator with Joe....

After we picked Mike up from the airport, we took him by the new house and then went to Sullivan's steakhouse for dinner.  That food is sooooo good!  Mac behaved so well in the restaurant!  On the drive home though...he crashed.....

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Mac had a grand time playing today.  He is very much in love with his Aunt Morgan....and he loves to sit in her lap while she plays on her Ipad....soooo sweet!

Joe got in touch with a painter today and they met us at the house to give us estimate (which they will compute and tell us tomorrow).  We took 2 loads of stuff over to the house as well!  We have the colors picked out for the interior of the house.  I am meeting tomorrow with another painter to get another estimate that way we can make the best economic decision.

 Behr Scotland Road: Main living space

 Behr Shale Gray: Master bedroom

 Behr Harvest Brown: Guest bedroom

Today, we also bought a new dining room set.  It is a counter height table with 4 bar stools and a bench.  We also bought a server that matches it that was on sale (no lie from 1199.99 to 388)!  I am so very excited about everything going in the house and seeing everything the way we want it!  Joe gets to pick up the table tomorrow and the server on Monday...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Glacier Brewhouse

Morgan and I had a really relaxed day today!  Mac played....and took a really long nap.  When Joe got home, we decided to go eat at the Glacier Brewhouse.  That food is so stinking good.  All 3 of us got the pesto breaded halibut and oh my goodness so good!  Mac had a great time staring at the little girls next to us in the restaurant.  Some really nice man at the table next to us had a bowl of ice cream sent over for Mac but Mac didn't like it!

 Joe giving water to Mac with a straw

 Joe thought it was funny to put Mac's socks on his hands

 Mac seriously loved these girls.

 Happy boy face

 He wants to play with the girls....

 He really did not like the socks on his hands.

After we got home from the Brewhouse, we packed up the truck and hooked up the camper to take over to the Cleo house.  Our first load of stuff taken to our new house....soooo exciting!!!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

We bought a house!

Today, Joe and I officially became homeowners!  We signed papers and everything!  I am super excited about seeing what the house looks like with the paint colors we choose in it and our furniture in it!  Our real estate agent knows some people who can hook us up with painting....

Please bear in mind that I took the pictures with a cell phone....

 Guest bedroom walk-in closet

 Laundry room

 Front entry (this will be painted)

 Dining Room and Kitchen view from living room (will be painted)

 Living room view from Kitchen (this will be painted)

 Exterior of the house...hopefully will be painted next summer

 Guest bedroom (will be painted)

 Mac's closet

 Mac's room

 Guest bedroom (I plan on putting our cityscape shower curtain in there)

 Master bathroom shower

 Master bathroom sink

 Master bedroom (will be getting painted)

 Master bedroom with double door entry

 Exterior of the house...complete with 2 RV parking places

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Joe's Halibut fishing trip

This is Joebasaur on Jami's computer! Morgan and I went halibut fishing out of Ninilchik yesterday... It was awesome! Our arms are very sore today.

We got to the charter company offices just before 5 am and hopped in a truck to go to the launch ramp/beach. The captain of our boat put a six foot ladder beside our boat (still on the trailer) and we all hopped in. After that, a tractor came and dragged us into the water.

On the way out to our first fishing spot, we had a great view of Redoubt, an active volcano.

We did a lot of catch and release until we got the halibut that we wanted. Below is a picture of a skate that one of the other people caught. When our guide threw it on the boat it stuck its tail up at me (thats me in the picture). The guide told me to watch out for his stinger and then proceeded to laugh when I squirmed behind it. It looked just like a sting ray... without the stinger. I ended up catching a cod first which we used as bate. My arm was really tired after pulling it up from about 300 feet down.

Here's a picture of me reeling in a big one!

Morgan and I caught our limit of 2 fish each:

Here's some pictures of them filleting our fish. They vacuum sealed and froze our fish. Yum! I got about 13 lbs!

Weekend in Homer

We (Joe, Mac, Morgan, and me) went down to Homer for the was on Morgan's Alaska Bucket List.  We got down to Homer at about 9:00 that night.  We had a spot right on the beach on the Homer Spit.  IT WAS GORGEOUS!

The following pictures are from around our campsite!  Joe and Morgan went Halibut fishing on a charter Saturday for a while (blog post to follow) so I had Mr. Mac all to myself for a while!  We hung out...ate a muffin....went for a walk through the cuteness of Homer Spit....came back....played in the rocks and dirt....ate a stick.....took a "nap....While Mac was taking the "nap" I sat out on the beach leaned up against a driftwood reading a book which was amazingly relaxing.   

 View from my Mac "nap" spot...

 This is the cutest picture of Mac EVER.

When Joe and Morgan got back from Halibut fishing, Joe was really dirty......Mac didn't care!

When they got back, they were also starving.  So we headed to "Starvin Marvin's" which is this AWESOME pizza place!  Mac had a great time eating cheesy bread and sausage off of our pizza.  He is like a little garbage disposal.  The view from the restaurant is also really really gorgeous!


After leaving "Starvin Marvin's", we headed to the Homer Brewing Company to taste the brews and to pick up a couple of growlers.  Then we found this really pretty random place to play on our way back to the camper....There were sea otters and eagles everywhere (unfortunately I was too busy staring to take pictures)!  We decided to walk off all of the food that we had eaten by strolling around the stores on the Spit....LOVE LOVE LOVE Homer!

It got really windy Saturday afternoon/eveningish....SUPER WINDY.  However, after Mac went to sleep the 3 of us sat outside drinking a beer, looking at the beautiful scenery, and playing each other stupid games on our phones (yes we are losers and we are ok with that).  After we went to bed though a HUGE storm hit.  It woke us up because it was literally rocking the camper back and forth!  The wind was really insane and then it started raining pretty hard!  All in all....very entertaining!

This weekend = SUCCESS!!!!!!!!