Sunday, November 17, 2013

FAMILY: Going to the dogs

My dogs are constantly laying next to me.  Every time I sit down, Bella immediately lays across my burgeoning belly. Heyward just lays at the end of the sofa of where I am at.  They are funny.  Heyward is still hyper (I mean he is 9 months old so it is what it is) but he has calmed down a good bit since being neutered.  He spends a lot of time sleeping at my feet!

We did hit up Target this weekend (it's my favorite place).  Mac picked out two ornaments and he danced to the Christmas music.  Silly little man.  I think he has a cold because he slept until 9:30 yesterday morning and he took a 3.5 hour nap.  Today, he made up for it by not napping.

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