Friday, November 15, 2013

DAYCARE: Just a day in Mac's life

Erica and Amy take care of Mac during the week.  Amy does pre-school with the two year olds on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Mac LOVES them.  Some of these pictures are from when it was still warm outside....

Yesterday Amy took the toddlers outside for some play.  I completely spaced on sending him with a snowsuit and so Mac had to go into one that they had......and the one they had was Amy's youngest daughter's snowsuit.  He looks irritated in this picture and I originally thought it was because he was in a pink snowsuit.  Amy told me though that he was making that face because he was in time.  He was in time out because he knocked over their snowman.

Also either on Wednesday or Thursday, Erica had a visitor.  A giant moose came in the yard and the toddlers were able to sit at the window and watch it!  Education in Alaska!

Mac also made hand art for Thanksgiving!  It is so incredibly cute!!!!!!!

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