Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Today, I had a doctor's appointment for an ultrasound.  I met Joe and Mac at home and then we rode to the hospital together.

Mac had a great time moving magazines around while we waited for our appointment.

When we got in to meet with Scott (our ultrasound guy who did all of Mac's scans), he told us that we were a little too early for the test that they had me scheduled for.  However, he said since I was there that he was still going to look because maybe the baby would measure different sized.  In order to have the test done, the baby has to measure 45 mm but the baby at this point is 43 mm.  We rescheduled the test for next Friday before my other appointment with Dr. Hinkle.

What did we find out?  That this baby is crazy active!  Scott was amazed at how much the baby was moving.  Nugget was flipping around and flinging his arms and legs around.  Scott did agree that my due date is May 28th based on the size of the baby.  So far everything looks good with the baby.  Nugget's heartbeat was good.  Crazy active though.  Oh goodness!

Mac really liked seeing everything.  He particularly liked the heartbeat.  He had Scott do it a couple of times.  So sweet!

Without further ado........here is Nugget!  Sorry the pictures are so bad....I was too lazy to scan them in and just took pictures of them with my phone.

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