Friday, December 20, 2013

Free at last!

It is Friday at 3:55.  I don't have to work for another 2 weeks (well, I have to lesson plan during the break).  I am already in my pajamas.  The Christmas just is lit up.  We are supposed to be getting more snow tonight.  Happy happy happy.

Speaking of snow.  The other day we got like 6-7 inches.  My relo was not shoveled out so I just had to dig myself through to my classroom.  Once I got inside, I sat down at my desk where I noticed something strange. Next to my back door there was a little pile of snow.  We never use the back door so I was pretty baffled.  There wasn't a ton of snow anymore but you could completely see how big the pile used to be because it was melting......welcome to Alaska.  There is snow outside and there is snow inside your classroom.

Mac and his friends at daycare also spent some time hanging out in the snow.

Mac made some art work at day care the other day and it is currently hanging on our Christmas tree....

Look at this funny picture I saw online....

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