Saturday, December 14, 2013

FAMILY: Busy busy busy

After the business of this morning, Mac went down pretty hard for a nap.  We definitely used this time to snowplow the driveway.  While Joe was using the snowblower, I was shoveling the front porch.  There was like a foot of snow at the time and that was HOURS ago (and it is snowing harder now!)

While we were outside cleaning out the garage and shoveling snow, I saw our new neighbor out in their driveway so I decided to go over and help.  They are an older couple named Susan and Ron.  They moved up here to be grandparents!  Their daughter and son in law live up here.  They were incredibly nice.  They actually sent over frosted sugar cookies this evening and oh my goodness those cookies are delicious.  As in they will not make it for very long.....

Joe ran out to take a GIANT load of stuff to the dump and the recycling center.  He took a picture and the snow was coming down even harder!  He had to stop by the grocery store on the way home to pick up bacon for the meatloaf that I was making for dinner and stuff for me to make cinnamon roll casserole in the morning.  He said the grocery store was absolutely insane and crazy busy.

While Joe was also gone, Mac decided that he wanted to go potty on the toilet.  He peed!  Success!!!!  He likes to read a lot of books while on the toilet....

And Heyward decides to sleep not on but NEXT to his bed.....

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