Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last post of 2013

It is so weird that 2013 is almost over.  This has been a big year!  Next year is going to be EVEN BIGGER!

Get ready for another random blog post. 

This is how Mac has decided to watch tv.....

Joe got another Christmas present in the mail from his parents and he got REAL excited about his new bottle tops for his beer!

This is how Mac likes to also watch tv.....laying on my baby belly.

I guess I should talk about NYE.  We decided to stay home and make appetizers (meatballs, buffalo chicken puffs, and strawberry fluff).  Lee and Sarah came over for a couple of hours to hang out with us.  They left around 8.  I didn't even get dressed up all fancy.  I am in leggings and one of Joe's button ups.  No joke.  

I was talking to Amy online earlier and she had me convinced to register at Pottery Barn Kids.  So after Sarah and Lee left that is exactly what I did!  So we have a registry at Target and at Pottery Barn Kids. Amy even helped me pick out some cute girl stuff to put on the registry!  I am incredibly happy with all of the pink!  

Saturday, December 28, 2013

FAMILY: "Daddy, lift my legs...."

Here is the rest of that quote:

"Daddy, lift my legs.  I try to fart."

Yup.  That happened.  My life is surrounded by boys.  It does make me giggle though.

Get ready for a really random post.

Heyward likes to cuddle with me...aka lay at me feet.  I caught him in mid-yawn.

This morning we decided to go pick up bagels.  Our normal bagel place closed down last year so we were trying something new.  It was just ok.  Nothing really special.  Joe and I had cheese bagels while Mac had a blueberry bagel.  He kept getting irritated because he kept getting cream cheese on his hands.  It was kind of funny.

So while thinking and talking to Joe we decided that he would make something that could go in the nursery rather than trying to find something online to buy.  I gave him two options and this is the one he chose.  I must admit.  This is what I had in mind for the room.  I want to try to use something called milk paint on it because it gives furniture an antique look which would be perfect!

While Mac was napping today, Joe and I put up Christmas.  While we had the storage under the stairs open, Joe pulled out my old dance costume box and we also put the luggage under the stairs.  I had a great time looking through all of my old costumes.  I pulled out some things that I can put in Nora's nursery.  I cannot wait until the rest of the house is together so I can start putting together the nursery!

Joe and I decided to head out to Target today after Mac got his nap to register for baby stuff.  We checked the mail before we left.  I just think it is adorable when Mac checks the mail.  CUTE CUTE CUTE!

Joe had a great time scanning things at Target.  I think that is the only place that we are going to register at (still contemplating if we are going to register at Babies R Us).  If you go in to search for the registry, I think it has Joe as the primary with me as the other person.

RED ROOM UPDATE: Joe sanded (got covered in dry wall dust) and then sprayed stuff on the patches so that they blended in with the textured wall.  The red room battle continues.  

Thursday, December 26, 2013

FAMILY: Yup. Well.

That is a phrase that I use often.  When Joe says something ridiculous, my response is "yup, well."  I am hilarious.

This morning Mac got his snuggle on.  With Bella.  It was really really cute!

Today has not been exceptionally cold here in Anchorage but apparently in Interior Alaska it was brutal cold.  Chicken, Alaska hit -58.  I NEVER want to experience that.  

I got a little bit of cabin fever today so we decided to go walk around Target.  I got a maternity shirt, a coupon organizer (for $1), and some adorableness.  I picked out a light pink newborn outfit that was on sale for $8!

Joe picked out an outfit as well.  I think it is ridiculous cute when Joe picks out stuff for our babies...It was really cute in Target when he was holding up different options.  In the end, he chose this outfit.....

While I am doing this blog post, Mac is watching Yo Gabba Gabba (my personal version of hell) and Joe is making us halibut tacos with Mexican rice for dinner.  DELISH!  Heyward decided to block one set of cabinets.....

I think Joe and I have decided that we are going to create a registry.  We figured it was a way to keep track of stuff.  A way to let family know what we need/want for the nursery.  AND bonus.  You get coupons when you register AND you get a discount for the things left on the registry.  I think we are going to register at Target and Babies R Us.  Thoughts????????

HOUSE: Red Room Update

Joe was able to get home earlier today.....apparently he can get things done at work when no one else is there.  He was feeling pretty ambitious when he got home so he went right on to working in the dreaded red room.  He patched the last major hole in the wall.  He then proceeded to spackle (joint compound officially) where the dry wall was so it can blend in to the wall.  He got all of the holes with dry wall covered and covered the holes in the ceiling.  All we need to do now is wait for it to dry.  Then he is going to spray this textured stuff on the spackle to make it blend in with the rest of the walls.

Once that is done......we can finally put on the primer!  WHAT WHAT!!!!

Soon the red room will be no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

NURSERY: Nora Kimbrell Cash

So Meatball is a girl and her name is going to be Nora Kimbrell Cash.  The name makes me happy.  Nora is a name that we just like.  Kimbrell is my mama's maiden name and my middle name.  Since we now know that Meatball is a girl....I have started plotting the nursery.  And by plotting I mean getting obsessed.  Here is the game plan.....

Changing Table: We already have a vintage vanity in the room and we are going to put the changing pad on it.  We need to buy a new changing pad.  The drawers will hold spare diapers and wipes.  I want to find some unique basket or metal tub thing to hold dirty clothes.  The only thing I need to get for this part is the mattress pad and mattress pad cover!

Dresser: We have a vintage tall dresser already in the room and we are just going to use it for the baby's clothes.  The only thing I need for this is the vintage decor on the top and the gorgeously adorable girl clothes to go in it!  I found my glass baby shoe and it fits in perfectly with the room's theme (even though my own name is spelled wrong on the bottom of my own baby shoe)!

Chair: We are just going to move the recliner that is currently in our bedroom into the nursery.  I need to figure out some way to update it because it is kind of the same color as the walls.  Thoughts?  I need to get a cute/vintage-y floor lamp to go near it so there is additional lighting in the room.

Crib: A crib is something that we are going to need to buy.  We got rid of all of Mac's nursery stuff when we switched him to the big boy room.  We didn't have the space to store it and we weren't supposed to be able to have any more babies.  I have picked out the crib.  We are going to go with the Jenny Lind crib in white.  It has a definite vintage look to it and I think it is so incredibly sweet.

I guess since we are going to buy this crib that we need to pick out a mattress to go with it.  

Crib Bedding:  I have decided not to go matchy matchy with the comforter this go around.  I have picked out a set from Pottery Barn Kids that makes me happy.  It goes with the simple vintage vibe that I am going for in the room.  We are going to get the Harper Chevron Bedding Set in the light pink.  We are going to get the set that has the crib skirt, the quilt, and the crib sheet.  I am going to get the quilt personalized with Nora embroidered on it in the same light pink (that can be done through Pottery Barn.  

Additional Storage:I am thinking of looking into some of the antique stores up here to see if they have something else that I can put in the room for additional storage.  I am thinking of like a small pie safe type thing to put in there to help store toys.  I was also thinking about getting a wooden ladder to lean up against the wall to put additional blankets.  I haven't fully finished plotting this out in my head though.  I am pretty sure that I am going to need some kind of storage in the actual room to hold her toys.   

Mobile:  I have been seeing adorable stuff on pinterest.  One idea I had is to make my own mobile out of embroidery hoops and yarn balls.  Another idea is to get/make paper flower balls to hang in the ceiling.  My last idea is one that I just saw on Pinterest where someone just used ribbon scraps to make a wall thing....I probably should just show a picture of that one because I am not very good at describing. 

See?  Ribbon thing above the crib.  

Curtains:  I have been needing to put curtains in that room for a long time.  I have no idea what I am going to do.  I could go classic and just put solid white curtains in (like the rest of my house) or I could find some really girly curtains.  I have no idea what we are going to do but I will need to do something....

Wall Decor:  I want to put the painting that Joe's grandmother made for us in there.  I think Mary still has it at her house but I think it would be perfect in a vintage nursery!  I will probably incorporate the letter "N" in there somewhere.....or maybe her initials.  Otherwise I want to find random vintage looking frames and prints to hang up.  I also want to find a pretty mirror.  Every little girl deserves a beautiful ornate mirror.  My old ballet shoes will make an appearance in the room as well as my first pair of toe shoes.  They just scream girly.....

Decor:  I am in the hunt for any and all things vintage.  Vintage toys.  Vintage wooden blocks (even though I now have a collection of those going thanks for Mary and Amy).  Probably need to find some kind of clock to put in there.  This room should be all things vintage!

So that is the basic plan that I have now going for the nursery.  I am pretty excited.  What do you think about the plans????????

HOLIDAY: Merry Christmas!

Today has been a long and productive and fun day.  Productive is not usually a word that you hear associated with Christmas but it is what it is.

Mac got up (that we know of) around 7:30.  He was pretty excited about Santa coming.  He was not too sure what to do with all of the presents under the tree.  He stood in front of the tree for a while just looking at it and drinking some juice.  He had a great time opening presents.  It was funny watching him opening presents because he would tear off one teeny tiny scrap of paper at a time.  He loved everything that he got!

Look at all of that trash!

Mac got a new tent that Joe set up in his room.  He loves it!

Joe's new AeroGarden that I gave him for Christmas....set up and ready to go!

Joe gave me the Willow Tree statue below.  It is the maternity statue.  So sweet!

Mac got new bathroom stuff so I set it up today!

Mac's new bathroom stuff. 

So....I used the word productive earlier.  Joe finished dry-walling one wall.  We (and by "we" I mean Joe) moved up the bottom shelf in Mac's closet to use the bottom of the closet as toy storage.  I had to do some rearranging in his room to get the tent in there.  When Mac went down for his nap, Joe took a ridiculous amount of boxes off to the recycling.  Hopefully, the trash gets picked up tomorrow.  I also started itemizing things for donation (daddy you should be proud).  I started cleaning out the guest closet to make room for Meatball.  AND while all of this is going on I have dinner going.  Super mom right here!