Sunday, January 20, 2013


So I know ya'll have missed this and hopefully I can get the blog fixed!  What kept me from posting before is that the program I used said that I had reached my picture quota.  The last time it said that I just deleted all of the pictures from the program thing (which led to all of the pictures coming off the blog accidentally).  So when it happened this time I just didn't do anything!  I played around with the program for a little bit and guess what?????  It let me start adding pictures without mean popups yelling at me!  So we are going to try this again!

Joe and I have been doing a LOT of things to the house....maybe today you will get a peak at some of the things???????!!!!!!!

As Mac is still asleep there is no Mac picture yet!  But beware I am about to become a posting fiend!

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