Wednesday, January 23, 2013

sleepy sleepy sleepy

It is 6:57 p.m. and I am laying on the sofa exhaustedly trying to write this post.  Today was a LONG day and I am sleepy sleepy sleepy.  Here are some quotes from my day:

"I am special today."

"Cash, you might not be able to read dad's signature because he was inebriated when he signed that."

My work day ended with my TA leaping onto one of my lab tables, screaming.  A mouse ran across my room and one of my autistic kids tried climbing into the chemical hood to find the mouse.  Oh my.

Wednesdays are my long days which mean that I have already left for work when Joe gets Mac up.  So this morning Joe emailed me a picture.  He looks so happy!

Mac was so funny when I got home.  Joe and Mac got home before I did.  

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