Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The sound of.....

Right now I am listening to the sound of Joe reading Mac a bedtime story.  I got my goodnight kiss.  The big man is being tucked in to bed while wearing his favorite Spongebob pj's.  I think we are probably at the point where we need to think about putting him in a big boy bed.  Dear Lord help us.

I really wanted to get some pictures of Mac while we were sitting on the sofa but he was NOT cooperating (imagine that).  However, he did cooperate when we ate dinner.  Joe made us pizza quesadillas for dinner and they were awesome.

Stuffing our faces.

After dinner, this Cash family headed upstairs so I could fold laundry in our bedroom.  Once that was done, we rotated to Mac's bedroom where Joe and Mac rolled around on the floor.  We then headed back to our bedroom.  Mac wanted to get in the "nap" (aka bed).  He is so stinking cute.  He kept flopping himself backwards and putting his hands behind his head like Joe.  He also liked saying "pillow."

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