Monday, March 19, 2012

Fun day at "work"

Spring break is officially over for me and so back to school/work I went.  No bueno.  What makes it even more awesome is that I am rocking a giant cold/flu thing (hello Nyquil!).  I am being observed on Thursday by the head of the entire sped department in the Anchorage school district.  I am slightly nervous!  However, I am slightly proud of myself because my department chairs are the ones who picked me for her to observe....I am going to assume that is a good thing!  We will see how that goes.

Mac went back to Erica's today and apparently had a grand time as he was the only baby there!  Joe had to get him this morning to take him to the doctor's office about his extreme diaper rash and swollen weewee.  She gave him some cream that we have to put on it....oh the joys of rashes!

See?  I told you Mac had a grand time with Sam!!!!!

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