Friday, March 23, 2012

The bear is learning to walk... We are in trouble!

And so it begins! Mac has started to walk, only a few steps here and there, but he has going from taking one step to multiples. He even took six steps to Jami earlier! I have a feeling that it won't be long before we are having to chase after him. He is such a happy baby! 

We learned today that Mac's walking has made himself his biggest danger. He was walking along the coffee table after a couple hours of playing (getting tired) and took a spill. It looked like he banged his lip on the edge of the table then fell back and hit the back of his head on the floor. It probably looked a lot worse than it was because he wasn't bleeding and didn't have any big bumps. After a few seconds of crying, it was back to playing! More walking videos soon to come!

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