Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dunlaps Disease

Today, Joe said that Mac has "dunlaps" disease because his belly has "dunlapped" over his diaper.  SILLY!  Mac was in such a good mood when he got home.  Apparently he was not super happy the whole time with Erica today....whoopsie.  One problem that we are having with him is that he is REFUSING to eat his veggies lately.  It is driving me insane and I have no idea how to hide it to where he will eat it!  Well here is some pictures for you to make you smile!

On an Alaskan note...we are in the middle of breakup and I hate it.  There are huge puddles everywhere and mud.  Breakup is where all 130 inches of snow that we have gotten this year has started melting because the temperatures have been staying in the 30-40s.  The potholes have gotten GIGANTIC!  I thoroughly dislike breakup season but it does mean that summer is coming!

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