Monday, December 8, 2014

Cash Family Goes to the Doctor

Today, we had Nora's 6 month check up.  She is looking great!  She weighs in at 17 3/4ths pounds (which is the 75th percentile) and she is 26 inches long (50th percentile).  Our doctor is pretty pleased with Nora's progress.  Poor Nora had to get 3 shots!  One of which was the flu shot.  She cried for literally like 15 seconds.  Check out Nora's quilt!  Our doctor makes her patients quilts that they get to lay on for their appointments.  When Nora turns 1, she gets to keep her quilt!

While we were there Mac also wanted to be measured.  Surprise, surprise.  (hear that sarcasm)  Mac is 3 and a half feet tall!


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