Monday, November 17, 2014

"Where's Nora's......"

Nora is super buggery lately and seems to have a cold.  After we had family dinner, it was into the bath she went.  Apparently, Mac decided it was also his bathtime and walked into the bathroom with no clothes on except his shirt.  He couldn't figure out how to get it off because it was a button up.  He looks over at Nora and goes "Where's Nora's weiner?"  OH GOODNESS.  I was downstairs and hearing that question made me giggle.  Joe's response?  "She doesn't have one, buddy."  Apparently that answer was ok with Mac but he wanted to get into the bathtub....

Oh my kids.  When Mac first started eating, he was a pretty clean/neat eater.  We didn't even have to use bibs on him after a little bit.  I do not at all think that it's going to go that way with Nora.  She is MESSY.  Food ends up everywhere on her face and hands and clothes.  She currently likes all food that she has tried so far with the exception of rice cereal.  She didn't like that.  Carrots. Apples. Bananas. Sweet potatoes. 

Mac is loving his mama snuggles lately which makes me crazy happy.  Now that my tummy doesn't have incisions, I can snuggle.  (I pulled out a stitch from my belly button the other night because it was driving me insane.  Those stitches were supposed to dissolve.  Whoopsie.)  The other night we fell asleep in the chair together.  Heart explodes with happiness.  Tonight we snuggled and I read him a book....then he read me the book.  I could just squeeze him.

We currently have a good ole fire going and the dogs are snuggled in front of it.  Check out how huge Heyward looks!  That rug is 5 feet wide and his back end is hanging off of it.  Large.

And here are some random pictures from Joe's phone from last week.......

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