Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Girl & her Dog

Heyward loves Nora.  LOVES.  As in REALLY LOVES her.  Whenever she is on the ground, he is right near her.  If she fusses, he goes over and checks on her.  Sometimes licks the drool or snot off of her face (gross but kind of sweet at the same time).  He is incredibly patient with her.  She pulls on his fur, on his whiskers, on his jowls and he just doesn't care.  It has to hurt him but he never does anything about it.  I am pretty sure that Heyward thinks that Nora is his baby.  It makes me smile to watch.  Heyward definitely loves Nora more than Bella does.  Maybe that's because Bella thought Mac was her baby when Mac was a baby?  Either way, Heyward loves my baby and is amazingly patient with her.

See?  Doesn't get much cuter than that!

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