Monday, September 8, 2014

So stinking cute

Ok.  I have a confession.  I have the cutest kids in the world.  There are no other kids as cute as mine.  What makes them even cuter is how much they all time love each other.  Cutest kids EVER.

So I spent the majority of last week sick and with no voice and pretty much feeling like death.  I took a picture to document my awesome (hear the sarcasm) experience.  On Friday, I went home early and Bella snuggled with me all day. 

The kids spent some quality mommy and daddy time.  My heart is exploding with happiness (which is totally what I need after the super fun day I had).

And speaking of cute kiddos....check out Nora's adorable outfit today!  Old Navy has the cutest baby stuff!  Yes, she is rocking skinny jeans and ballet flats.  SO CUTE!

That adorable chunk also decided to grab a fistful of my hair.  Let me tell you....she has a GRIP.  She is a strong little chunk.

Check out how similar my kiddos look.  Here is a picture of Mac and Nora both @ 3 months....

Oh and another random point that is totally  not related to my adorable kids....Joe managed to get a little more painted on our deck.  Let me tell you that rain will just not go away.

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